Photo Dr. B

Resident-Fellow-Student Suggestion Box

Your observations and participation as a member of the health care team at WMC as a both a care provider and a learner affords a unique perspective to the interface of patient care and medical education. The Resident-Fellow-Student Suggestion Box is an anonymous, online platform. It provides you with the opportunity to share with Ms. Carol DeFilippis, Senior Director, Medical Education and Interim DIO, those experiences that enhanced your clinical learning environment and those that did not. 

This is an avenue for you to raise any concerns that you do not feel comfortable sharing with your program or clerkship director.

The Suggestion Box de-identifies the source of all comments with no reference to its author by name or e-mail address. You may choose to self-identify in the posting if you wish Ms. DeFilippis to respond.

Thank you for your contribution to our clinical learning environment and the care of our patients.